Corporate Support

For more information

Please contact the Symphony office, 781-523-9009 or Arianie Keeney, Managing Director at


Learn about these exciting opportunities for businesses to support Lexington Symphony!

Sponsor Lexington Symphony

Partnering with Lexington Symphony is good for business. There are a number of ways to reach Lexington Symphony’s desirable audience. Under the baton of Music Director Jonathan McPhee, Lexington Symphony attracts an audience of loyal patrons and enthusiastic newcomers that continues to grow year after year. Audiences of classical music tend to be sophisticated, well-educated, affluent, and committed to the arts. Connect with a high-level, loyal audience eager to support local businesses. 

Sponsor a Concert

To learn more about concert sponsorship opportunities, kindly contact the Symphony office, 781-523-9009 or Managing Director Arianie Keeney at

Full concert sponsorship $10,000

Shared-concert sponsorship $5,000

International soloist sponsorship $5,000

Local soloist sponsorship $2,500

Partial or additional funding $2,500

Full sponsorship donor benefits: Sole acknowledgement and recognition at the sponsored concert, on Lexington Symphony website, in the Lexington Times, on postcards, flyers, season brochures, program books, on Cary Hall marquee bill and weekly email blasts via Mailchimp to our full contact list, access to symphony rehearsals, meet and greet with conductor, Board members, and symphony musicians post-concert, invitations to special events and access to Orchestrating Kids Through Classics concerts. 8 complimentary tickets to sponsored performance.

Shared or international soloist sponsorship donor benefits: Shared acknowledgement and recognition at the sponsored concert, on Lexington Symphony website, in the Lexington Times, on postcards, flyers, season brochures, program books, on Cary Hall marquee bill, and weekly email blasts via Mailchimp to our full contact list, access to symphony rehearsals, meet and greet with soloist, conductor, and symphony musicians post-concert, invitations to special events, and access to Orchestrating Kids Through Classics concerts. 4 complimentary tickets to sponsored performance.

Local soloist, partial or additional funding sponsorship donor benefits: Shared acknowledgement and recognition at the sponsored concert, on Lexington Symphony website, in the Lexington Times, on postcards, flyers, season brochures, program books, on Cary Hall marquee bill, and weekly email blasts via Mailchimp to our full contact list, access to symphony rehearsals, meet and greet with symphony musicians post-concert, and access to Orchestrating Kids Through Classics concerts. 4 complimentary tickets to sponsored performance.

Concert sponsorship payment can be made via check by indicating the sponsorship level for the program you wish to sponsor to:

Lexington Symphony

PO Box 194

Lexington, MA 02420

Your sponsorship is a tax-deductible donation, and an acknowledgement letter will be provided as a receipt for your support.

Sponsor a Player

Lexington Symphony musicians share a passion for music, a dedication to exacting performance standards, and a commitment to making classical music accessible to everyone in our community. These playing members are the permanent core of the Orchestra. Demonstrate your support for your favorite player—and the entire orchestra—by becoming a Player Sponsor!

Sponsorships are $400 per concert, or $2,200 for the full concert season. In honoring a musician, your support is recognized in the 2024-2025 Season Concert Book and through the Symphony's donor benefits.

Sponsor a Program

OKTC: Orchestrating Kids Through Classics™

Each year, every Lexington third grader and thousands of children from greater Boston hear a real live orchestra, learn the history of classical music, and are often inspired to play an instrument—a lifelong impact! Kids listen, laugh, cheer, and “conduct” from their seats—engaged, entertained, and educated by Lexington Symphony’s Orchestrating Kids Through Classics™ (OKTC). 

Since 2009, Lexington Symphony has performed for over 20,000 students across the state, including providing scholarships to underserved communities such as Somerville, Lawrence, and Dorchester. Most participants have never seen a live orchestra before. Corporate and individual support makes it possible for Lexington Symphony to perform OKTC, the original award-winning educational program created to introduce children to the instruments of the orchestra, and the history of classical music.

The program includes an up-close classroom visit by a team of Lexington Symphony musicians. This is followed, a few weeks later, by a trip through time with the whole orchestra, from chanting monks to Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky… all the way to John Williams’ thrilling Star Wars theme, with a special guest from the dark side!

Lexington Symphony has presented OKTC to packed halls in Lexington, Burlington, and Framingham.

OKTC has had a huge impact on enrollment in the Lexington Public Schools’ instrumental music program and is now a regular part of Lexington’s elementary school arts education.

Click here to learn more about OKTC! 

Advertising Opportunity

Feature your business in our 2024-2025 Program Book and reach an audience of 5,000+ local prospects for your business. 

Under the baton of Jonathan McPhee, Lexington Symphony audiences continue to grow. Our concert-goers are well-educated and active in the community. Reach them with an advertisement in our concert program book. As a season advertiser, your business has six high-impact opportunities to be seen by an affluent audience that values the arts and supports local businesses. Affordable advertising rates provide excellent exposure. We encourage you to include a special discount or offer for Symphony patrons.

Secure your spot in our 2024-2025 Season Program Book by August 21, 2024.